Pentru ciorba de stevie avem nevoie de: stevie, doi cartofi, trei cepe, cateva frunzulite de ceapa verde, fidea, bulion, bors si sare.
Ingredients: patience, two potatoes, three onions, bunch onion, noodles, tomato sauce, borch and salt.
Fierbeti stevia cateva minute, scurgeti-o si taiati-o.
Boil the patience and chop it.
Taiati ceapa si cartofii cubulete.
Chop the onions and potatoes.
Amestecati ingredientele si adaugati apa.
Mix the ingredients and add a sufficient amount of water.
Cand cartofii sunt aproape fierti adaugati bulionul...
When the potatoes are almost boiled add the tomato sauce...
The noodles...
Si borsul.
And the borch.
Pofta buna! Bon appetit!
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