Recipes such as mashed potatoes, "nature" potatoes, baked potatoes or french fries are considered to be simple and convenient recipes. It is the most cultivated vegetable in the world thanks to its outstanding qualities and nutrients and because they are rich in vitamin C and B6, potassium and magnesium. They are also wonderful for diets. Do you know that 100 grams of french fries contains less than 300 calories? Of course, this is not the healthiest choice. Potatoes are a very "pretentious" vegetable. Why? Well, first of all, while you peel the potatoes, you must prepare a bowl with water in order not to oxidize. Once peeled, the potato should be placed in the bowl. Also, put a clove of garlic rosemary and thyme in the boiling water with potatoes because it changes the overall taste. Choose potatoes with white skin if you want to make baked potatoes because they remain fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside.In order to prepare "nature" potatoes you need to cut the vegetables into equal sized cubes (or almost equal) because, otherwise, the large pieces will remain hard-boiled on the inside while the small pieces will be flabby.Maybe the most interesting thing is that the water in which you boiled the potatoes can be used to clean linoleum and floors because it restores their brightness. I will present some photos with these recipes. Needless to explain is their preparatio, but I will post original pictures that have an attractive design ... or a funny one. The food design is extremely important you know... Decorate the plate everything you find and it is suitable , use your imagination, and praise and smiles will not cease to appear.
All about cooking, lifestyle, gardening and other interesting subjects in images because a picture is worth a thousand words.
vineri, 3 septembrie 2010
Retete simple cu cartofi / Simple recipes with potatoes
Retetele precum piureul de cartofi, cartofii natur, cartofii la cuptor sau cartofii prajiti sunt considerate retete simple si comode. Este leguma cea mai cultivata din intreaga lume datorita calitatilor sale deosebite si nutrientilor si pentru ca sunt bogati in vitamina C si B6, potasiu si magneziu. Sunt minunati si pentru diete. Stiati ca 100 de grame de cartofi prajiti contin mai putin de 300 de calorii? Desigur, nu sunt si cea mai sanatoasa alegere. Cartofii sunt si foarte pretentiosi. De ce? Pai, in primul rand, in timp ce curatati cartofii, trebuie sa aveti un bol cu apa pregartit langa dvs. pentru a nu oxida. Odata curatat, cartoful trebuie pus in bol. De asemenea, un catel de usturoi pus in apa in care fierb cartofii impreuna cu rozmarin si cimbru ii schimba total gustul. Alegeti cartofi cu coaja alba cand doriti sa faceti cartofi la cuptor deoarece in interior se mentin pufosi, si in exterior devin crocanti. Pentru prepararea cartofilor natur, este bine ca legumele sa fie taiate in cuburi de dimensiuni egale (sau aproape egale) pentru ca, in caz contrar, bucatile mari se vor fierbe mai greu si raman tari in interior in timp ce cele mici devin moi.Poate cel mai interesant lucru la cartofi este acela ca apa in care au fiert acestia se poate folosi la curatarea linoleumului sau a parchetului redandu-le acestora stralucirea. In continuare voi prezenta cateva fotografii cu aceste retete. Este inutil sa mai explic si modul de preparare, dar voi posta pozele pentru ca sunt originale si au un design atragator ...sau haios. Sa stiti ca designul mancarii este extrem de important. Ornati farfuria cu ce aveti la indemana, folositi-va imaginatia, si laudele sau zambetele nu vor inceta sa apara.

Recipes such as mashed potatoes, "nature" potatoes, baked potatoes or french fries are considered to be simple and convenient recipes. It is the most cultivated vegetable in the world thanks to its outstanding qualities and nutrients and because they are rich in vitamin C and B6, potassium and magnesium. They are also wonderful for diets. Do you know that 100 grams of french fries contains less than 300 calories? Of course, this is not the healthiest choice. Potatoes are a very "pretentious" vegetable. Why? Well, first of all, while you peel the potatoes, you must prepare a bowl with water in order not to oxidize. Once peeled, the potato should be placed in the bowl. Also, put a clove of garlic rosemary and thyme in the boiling water with potatoes because it changes the overall taste. Choose potatoes with white skin if you want to make baked potatoes because they remain fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside.In order to prepare "nature" potatoes you need to cut the vegetables into equal sized cubes (or almost equal) because, otherwise, the large pieces will remain hard-boiled on the inside while the small pieces will be flabby.Maybe the most interesting thing is that the water in which you boiled the potatoes can be used to clean linoleum and floors because it restores their brightness. I will present some photos with these recipes. Needless to explain is their preparatio, but I will post original pictures that have an attractive design ... or a funny one. The food design is extremely important you know... Decorate the plate everything you find and it is suitable , use your imagination, and praise and smiles will not cease to appear.
Recipes such as mashed potatoes, "nature" potatoes, baked potatoes or french fries are considered to be simple and convenient recipes. It is the most cultivated vegetable in the world thanks to its outstanding qualities and nutrients and because they are rich in vitamin C and B6, potassium and magnesium. They are also wonderful for diets. Do you know that 100 grams of french fries contains less than 300 calories? Of course, this is not the healthiest choice. Potatoes are a very "pretentious" vegetable. Why? Well, first of all, while you peel the potatoes, you must prepare a bowl with water in order not to oxidize. Once peeled, the potato should be placed in the bowl. Also, put a clove of garlic rosemary and thyme in the boiling water with potatoes because it changes the overall taste. Choose potatoes with white skin if you want to make baked potatoes because they remain fluffy on the inside and crispy on the outside.In order to prepare "nature" potatoes you need to cut the vegetables into equal sized cubes (or almost equal) because, otherwise, the large pieces will remain hard-boiled on the inside while the small pieces will be flabby.Maybe the most interesting thing is that the water in which you boiled the potatoes can be used to clean linoleum and floors because it restores their brightness. I will present some photos with these recipes. Needless to explain is their preparatio, but I will post original pictures that have an attractive design ... or a funny one. The food design is extremely important you know... Decorate the plate everything you find and it is suitable , use your imagination, and praise and smiles will not cease to appear.
joi, 2 septembrie 2010
Salata de morcovi / Carrot salad
Salata de morcovi este o adevarata sursa de vitamine, are un gust excelent si o recomand cu caldura persoanelor care tin dieta (si nu numai) datorita continutului scazut de calorii .
The carrot salad is a great source of vitamins, tastes great and I highly recommend it to those persons who are on diet (but not only to them) due to its low caloric content.
Ingrediente : morcovi, ceapa, usturoi, sare, piper, ulei, otet, cimbru. In functie de preferintele dvs. puteti adauga si boabe de porumb fiert.
Ingredients: carrots, onion, garlic, salt, pepper,oil, vinegar, thyme. Depending on your preferences you can add boiled corn.
Mod de preparare : simplu :) . Curatati si radeti morcovii si ceapa, taiati marunt usturoiul, amestecati aceste ingrediente si adaugati dupa gust sare, piper, cimbru , ulei si otet.
Preparation: simple:) . Clean and grate the carrots and the onion, chop the garlic, mix these ingredients and add the salt, pepper, thyme, oil and vinegar.
The carrot salad is a great source of vitamins, tastes great and I highly recommend it to those persons who are on diet (but not only to them) due to its low caloric content.
Ingrediente : morcovi, ceapa, usturoi, sare, piper, ulei, otet, cimbru. In functie de preferintele dvs. puteti adauga si boabe de porumb fiert.
Ingredients: carrots, onion, garlic, salt, pepper,oil, vinegar, thyme. Depending on your preferences you can add boiled corn.
Mod de preparare : simplu :) . Curatati si radeti morcovii si ceapa, taiati marunt usturoiul, amestecati aceste ingrediente si adaugati dupa gust sare, piper, cimbru , ulei si otet.
Preparation: simple:) . Clean and grate the carrots and the onion, chop the garlic, mix these ingredients and add the salt, pepper, thyme, oil and vinegar.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010
Friptura de pui la punga / Roast chicken in a cellophane bag
Friptura de pui la punga este o reteta foarte simpla, oferita chiar de knorr []. Carnea de pui poate fi inlocuita de carne de porc, curcan, iepure, in functie de preferinte.
The roast chicken in a cellophane bag is an easy recipe, created by Knorr []. The chicken meat however can be replaced by pork meat, turkey meat, rabbit meat, depending on your preferences.
Pentru aceasta reteta avem nevoie de : un kilogram de cartofi, 3 cepe, 2 ardei, o vanata, carne de pui, si o punga "magica" de la knorr, sau o punga de celofan si condimente. Gradul de dificultate este scazut, iar timpul necesar prepararii este de aproximativ o ora si 15 minute.
For this recipe we need: a kilo of potatoes, 3 onions, 2 peppers, an eggplant, chicken meat and Knorr's "magic" bag or a cellophane bag and spices. It isn't difficult to prepare and it will be ready in about one hour and 15 minutes.

Adaugam o parte din carne cruda in punga, impreuna cu un strat de condimente si amestecam bine, agitand punga. Punem apoi un strat de cartofi taiati cubulete, adaugam condimente si amestecam. Urmatoarele ingrediente sunt ardeiul si ceapa tocata si inca un strat de condimente. Vanata tocata cubulete se adauga si ea alaturi de un strat de condimente. La final, adaugati ultimul strat de carne si condimente, agitati bine punga si inchideti-o ermetic. Intepati punga cu un cutit in cateva locuri pentru fragezirea carnii.
Add a part of the chicken meat in the bag along with spices and mix them up. Add the chopped potatoes along with some spices and mix them up as well. The next ingredients to be added are the pepper and the sliced onion along with another "layer" of spices. Add the chopped eggplant and spice it. As a final step, add the remaining chicken meat, spices, mix all the ingredients by "shaking" the bag and close it tightly. Prick the bag with a knife several times i n order to tenderize the meat.
Asezati punga cu ingredientele intr-o tava si lasati-o la cuptor o ora. Scoateti punga si taiati-o cu grija intr-un recipient suficient de mare. Pofta buna!
Put the cellophane bag with all the ingredients in a tray and the tray into the oven for one hour. Cut the cellophane bag carefully in a suitable recipient . Bon appetit!
The roast chicken in a cellophane bag is an easy recipe, created by Knorr []. The chicken meat however can be replaced by pork meat, turkey meat, rabbit meat, depending on your preferences.
Pentru aceasta reteta avem nevoie de : un kilogram de cartofi, 3 cepe, 2 ardei, o vanata, carne de pui, si o punga "magica" de la knorr, sau o punga de celofan si condimente. Gradul de dificultate este scazut, iar timpul necesar prepararii este de aproximativ o ora si 15 minute.
For this recipe we need: a kilo of potatoes, 3 onions, 2 peppers, an eggplant, chicken meat and Knorr's "magic" bag or a cellophane bag and spices. It isn't difficult to prepare and it will be ready in about one hour and 15 minutes.
Adaugam o parte din carne cruda in punga, impreuna cu un strat de condimente si amestecam bine, agitand punga. Punem apoi un strat de cartofi taiati cubulete, adaugam condimente si amestecam. Urmatoarele ingrediente sunt ardeiul si ceapa tocata si inca un strat de condimente. Vanata tocata cubulete se adauga si ea alaturi de un strat de condimente. La final, adaugati ultimul strat de carne si condimente, agitati bine punga si inchideti-o ermetic. Intepati punga cu un cutit in cateva locuri pentru fragezirea carnii.
Add a part of the chicken meat in the bag along with spices and mix them up. Add the chopped potatoes along with some spices and mix them up as well. The next ingredients to be added are the pepper and the sliced onion along with another "layer" of spices. Add the chopped eggplant and spice it. As a final step, add the remaining chicken meat, spices, mix all the ingredients by "shaking" the bag and close it tightly. Prick the bag with a knife several times i n order to tenderize the meat.
Asezati punga cu ingredientele intr-o tava si lasati-o la cuptor o ora. Scoateti punga si taiati-o cu grija intr-un recipient suficient de mare. Pofta buna!
Put the cellophane bag with all the ingredients in a tray and the tray into the oven for one hour. Cut the cellophane bag carefully in a suitable recipient . Bon appetit!
luni, 30 august 2010
Ciorba de burta / Tripe soup
Ciorba de burta este o mancare traditionala romaneasca. Este o reteta destul de grea ce necesita multe ingrediente, rabdare si multe etape dar rezultatul este satisfacator.
The tripe soup is a traditional Romanian recipe. It is considered to be a hard recipe because you need plenty ingredients, patience, but the result is satisfying.
Pentru ciorba de burta avem nevoie de : O burta de vita sau porc prefiarta, otet, smantana, usturoi, leustean, 3 cepe medii,3 morcovi, un ardei rosu si unul galben pentru culoare si 3 oua.

For the tripe soup we need: a beef or pork tripe, vinegar, cream, garlic, lovage, 3 onions, 3 carrots, a red pepper and a yellow pepper and 3 eggs.
Curatati burta, frecati-o cu otet, taiati-o fideluta, si fierbeti-o intr-o apa cu sare. Schimbati apa si adaugati ceapa, ardeiul si morcovul.
Clean the tripe, rub it with vinegar, slice it and boil it with salt. Change the water in whitch it boiled and add the onions, peppers and carrots.
Amestecati smantana cu cele 3 oua batute si adaugati-le treptat in ciorba. Adaugati si 4 linguri de otet (puteti adauga si in farfurie dupa gust), si usturoiul pisat. Dupa ce inchideti focul adaugati leusteanul.

Mix the cream with 3 eggs and add them in the soup. Add 4 spoons of vinegar (you can also add vinegar and cream afterward) , and the pestled garlic. At the end, add the lovage.

The tripe soup is a traditional Romanian recipe. It is considered to be a hard recipe because you need plenty ingredients, patience, but the result is satisfying.
Pentru ciorba de burta avem nevoie de : O burta de vita sau porc prefiarta, otet, smantana, usturoi, leustean, 3 cepe medii,3 morcovi, un ardei rosu si unul galben pentru culoare si 3 oua.
For the tripe soup we need: a beef or pork tripe, vinegar, cream, garlic, lovage, 3 onions, 3 carrots, a red pepper and a yellow pepper and 3 eggs.
Curatati burta, frecati-o cu otet, taiati-o fideluta, si fierbeti-o intr-o apa cu sare. Schimbati apa si adaugati ceapa, ardeiul si morcovul.
Clean the tripe, rub it with vinegar, slice it and boil it with salt. Change the water in whitch it boiled and add the onions, peppers and carrots.
Amestecati smantana cu cele 3 oua batute si adaugati-le treptat in ciorba. Adaugati si 4 linguri de otet (puteti adauga si in farfurie dupa gust), si usturoiul pisat. Dupa ce inchideti focul adaugati leusteanul.
Mix the cream with 3 eggs and add them in the soup. Add 4 spoons of vinegar (you can also add vinegar and cream afterward) , and the pestled garlic. At the end, add the lovage.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
Pui/Peste/Mici la Gratar / Grilled chicken/Fish
O alta metoda delicioasa si sanatoasa prin care putem prepara carnea este gratarul. Fie ca e vorba de carne de pui, de peste, de porc, sau traditionalii mici, carnea trebuie asezonata cu condimente si pusa pe jar. Pofta buna!
Another delicious and healthy method to prepare the meat is the traditional barbecue. Whether we have chicken meat, fish, pork or the traditional "mici", the meat must be seasoned with spices and grilled. Bon appetit!
Pui pe sticla / Chicken on a jar
O sa incep cu o reteta delicioasa : puiul pe sticla.
I'll start with a delicious recipe : chicken on a jar.
Pentru prepararea acesteia avem nevoie de : un pui de marime medie, condimente, ulei, si un borcan sau o sticla care sa se potriveasca cu marimea puiului.
For this recipe we need: a medium size chicken, spices, oil and a jar or a glass that fits the chicken.

Curatati cu grija puiul, atat pe interior, cat si pe exterior. Umpleti pe jumatate borcanul cu apa, ulei si condimente, dar si cratita in care puneti borcanul. Ungeti bine puiul cu ulei si cu condimente si puneti-l pe borcan.
Clean the chicken on the inside and on the outside. Fill half of the jar with water, oil and spices and the pot also. Smear the chicken with oil and spices and put it on the jar.
Introduceti puiul la cuptor pentru 2 ore la o temperatura de 180 de grade si din cand in cand stropiti-l cu sucul din cratita.
Put the chicken in the oven for 2 hours, at 180 degrees and sprinkle it often with its own juice from the pot.
Se serveste cald, cu garnitura de cartofi sau paste sau cu mujdei de usturoi. Simplu si delicios. Pofta buna!
Eat it while it's hot, with potatoes or spaghetti or with garlic sauce. Simple and delicious.
Bon appetit!
I'll start with a delicious recipe : chicken on a jar.
Pentru prepararea acesteia avem nevoie de : un pui de marime medie, condimente, ulei, si un borcan sau o sticla care sa se potriveasca cu marimea puiului.
For this recipe we need: a medium size chicken, spices, oil and a jar or a glass that fits the chicken.
Curatati cu grija puiul, atat pe interior, cat si pe exterior. Umpleti pe jumatate borcanul cu apa, ulei si condimente, dar si cratita in care puneti borcanul. Ungeti bine puiul cu ulei si cu condimente si puneti-l pe borcan.
Clean the chicken on the inside and on the outside. Fill half of the jar with water, oil and spices and the pot also. Smear the chicken with oil and spices and put it on the jar.
Introduceti puiul la cuptor pentru 2 ore la o temperatura de 180 de grade si din cand in cand stropiti-l cu sucul din cratita.
Put the chicken in the oven for 2 hours, at 180 degrees and sprinkle it often with its own juice from the pot.
Se serveste cald, cu garnitura de cartofi sau paste sau cu mujdei de usturoi. Simplu si delicios. Pofta buna!
Eat it while it's hot, with potatoes or spaghetti or with garlic sauce. Simple and delicious.
Bon appetit!
Scurta introducere
M-am hotarat sa creez un blog cu tematica culinara pentru ca aceasta este cea mai mare pasiune a mea. Voi posta retete de la cele mai simple pana la retete complicate, adaugand si fotografii sugestive cu etapele prepararii retetelor unde este cazul. Sa gatim!
I've decided to create a culinary thematic blog because this is my passion. I'll post plenty of recipes, from the simplest to the most complicated ones, adding suggestive photos with the preparing steps of the recipes, when needed. Let's cook!
I've decided to create a culinary thematic blog because this is my passion. I'll post plenty of recipes, from the simplest to the most complicated ones, adding suggestive photos with the preparing steps of the recipes, when needed. Let's cook!
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