The chicken risotto recipe is as simple as it is delicious. The risotto can be used both as a main dish for lunch, for example and as a garnish.
Pentru pilaf avem nevoie de : 2 cepe, 2 ardei, 2 morcovi si o masura de orez.
For the risotto we need: 2 onions, 2 red peppers, 2 carrots and a cup of rice.
Taiati ceapa, morcovii si ardeii cubulete.
Slice the onions, carrots and peppers.
Spalati orezul si alegeti impuritatile.
Wash the rice and put the impurities away.
Intre timp, fierbeti pieptul de pui si supa o vom folosi la prepararea pilafului.
In the meanwhile, boil the chicken as we will use the soup to prepare the risotto.
Puneti la prajit ardeii, ceapa si morcovii. Adaugati orezul si supa de pui. Important: la o masura de orez adaugati 4 masuri de supa.
Fry the peppers, onions and carrots. Add the rice and the chicken soup. Important: for a cup of rice add 4 cups of soup.
Intre timp, inveliti pieptul de pui in staniol si lasati-l la cuptor 15-20 de minute.
Meanwhile, wrap the chicken in foil and put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!