joi, 23 septembrie 2010

Pilaf cu legume si piept de pui / Chicken risotto

Pilaful cu legume si piept de pui este o reteta pe cat de simpla pe atat de delicioasa. Pilaful poate fi folosit atat ca fel principal la masa de pranz de exemplu cat si ca garnitura.

The chicken risotto  recipe is as simple as it is delicious. The risotto can be used both as a main dish for lunch, for example and as a garnish.

Pentru pilaf avem nevoie de : 2 cepe, 2 ardei, 2 morcovi si o masura de orez.

For the risotto we need: 2 onions, 2 red peppers, 2 carrots and a cup of rice.

Taiati ceapa, morcovii si ardeii cubulete.

Slice the onions, carrots and peppers.

Spalati orezul si alegeti impuritatile.

Wash the rice and put the impurities away.

Intre timp, fierbeti pieptul de pui si supa o vom folosi la prepararea pilafului.

In the meanwhile, boil the chicken as we will use the soup to prepare the risotto.

Puneti la prajit ardeii, ceapa si morcovii. Adaugati orezul si supa de pui. Important: la o masura de orez adaugati 4 masuri de supa.

Fry the peppers, onions and carrots. Add the rice and the chicken soup. Important: for a cup of rice add 4 cups of soup.

Intre timp, inveliti pieptul de pui in staniol si lasati-l la cuptor 15-20 de minute.

Meanwhile, wrap the chicken in foil and put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

Salata de sfecla rosie / Beetroot Salad

Sfecla rosie este un adevarat medicament : este recomandata in combaterea afectiunilor ficatului , ajuta la detoxifierea organismului si intareste echilibrul psihic si sistemul imunitar. Este minunata si pentru ca isi pastreaza toate proprietatile si vitaminele si dupa fierbere. Salata de sfecla rosie este recomandata in curele de slabire deoarece nu contine colesterol si ajuta la arderea grasimilor. Este eficienta si in cazurile de raceala si gripa. Un adevarat medicament. Si inca unul cu un gust minunat!

The beetroot  is indeed a medicine: it is recommended in combating liver diseases,it  detoxifies the body and strengthens the immune system and mental balance. It is a wonderful vegetable because it retains all the vitamins and all its properties even after boiling.The beetroot salad is recommended in diets because it doesn't contain cholesterol and helps burning the undesirable fat. It is also effective in cases of colds and flu. A real medicine. And it tastes great!

Pentru salata de sfecla rosie avem nevoie doar de sfecla rosie, sare, ulei si otet. Atat de putine ingrediente pot face minuni! Intai spalati sfecla si fierbeti-o in coaja.

For the beetroot salad we only need beetroots, salt, oil and vinegar. So few ingredients can make wonders! First wash the beetroots and boil them without peeling them.

Apou curatati sfecla rosie fiarta de coaja. Radeti-o si amestecati-o cu putin ulei, sare si otet.

Then peel the beetroot. Grate it and add some oil, salt and vinegar.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!


marți, 21 septembrie 2010

Tort de biscuiti / Biscuit Cake

Tortul de biscuiti este una din cele mai simple si accesibile retete de prajituri. Nu necesita coacere si este foarte permisiva.

The biscuit cake is one of the simplest and most accessible recipes for cakes. It doesn't require cooking and it is very permissive.

Ne trebuie: 3 pachete de biscuiti sau 300 de grame de biscuiti simpli, un pachet de budinca sau crema pentru prajituri si lapte, cafea sau suc natural de fructe.

We need: 3 packets of biscuits or 300 grams of simple biscuits , a package of pudding or cake cream and milk or natural fruit juice.


The Biscuits

Praful de Budinca

The pudding powder

Preparam frisca din praf de frisca sau smantana si zahar amestecand bine.

Prepare the whipped cream: use powder whipped cream or prepare it using sour cream and sugar, mixing them.


The whipped cream

Preparam crema sau budinca dupa instructiunile de pe pachet si o lasam la racit.

Prepare the cream or the pudding, respecting the instructions on the package then let it cool a few minutes.


The pudding

Cafeaua cu lapte si frisca in care inmuiem biscuitii.

The coffee with milk and cream in which we soak the biscuits.

Apoi inmuiem cate un biscuite , pe rand, in suc, cafea sau lapte. Biscuitii nu trebuie inmuiati foarte tare. Pe un platou asezam biscuitii imnuiati unul cate unul, apoi adaugam un rand de crema si frisca.

Afterwards, soak a biscuit at a time in juice, coffee or milk. Do not soak the biscuits very much! On a plateau, put the soaked biscuits one by one and add the pudding and whipped cream.

Operatia se poate repeta in functie de ingrediente. Ornam tortul si il bagam la frigider. Pofta buna!

Repeat the operation as many times as the ingredients allow. Put the cake in the fridge and serve it cold!

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Varza cu costita / Spicy cabbage with steak

Varza cu costita este o reteta traditionala romaneasca, foarte accesibila, gustoasa si permisiva deoarece putem folosi carnati sau orice fel de carne in loc de costita.

The spicy cabbage with steak is a Romanian traditional recipe , very tasty, affordable and permissive as you can use any kind of meat, especially sausages instead of steak.

2 kilograme de varza
jumatate de kilogram de costita
4 cepe
1 ardei rosu   
1 ardei galben
marar, foi de dafin, sare, cimbru
rosii decojite sau sos de tomate


2 kilograms of cabbage
half kilo of steak
4 onions
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
dill,bay leafs, salt, thyme
peeled tomatoes or tomato sauce.

Mod de preparare:
Tocati varza marunt si frecati-o cu sare.

Chop the cabbage and rub it with salt.

Taiati ardeii si ceapa cubulete.

Chop the peppers and onions.

Caliti ceapa, ardeii si costita in ulei.

Fry the onions, peppers and steak.

Adaugati varza.

Add the cabbage.

Spre final, adaugati rosiile decojite taiate cubulete si sosul de tomate.

Towards the end, chop the peeled tomatoes and add them along with the tomato sauce, the dill, the bay leafs and the thyme.

Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!


duminică, 19 septembrie 2010

Chiftelute de dovlecei cu branza / Cheese zucchini balls

Reteta este pe cat de simpla pe atat de delicioasa si accesibila si ne scuteste de caloriile in plus pe care le contin chiftelutele cu carne.

The recipe is simple, delicious and affordable and saves us from the extra calories contained by the meatballs.

Pentru compozitie avem nevoie de : doi dovlecei rasi, branza de vaca, doua oua si sare.
Amestecati bine ingredientele.

For the composition we need: two grated zucchinis, cottage cheese, two eggs and salt. Mix the ingredients.

Faceti chiftelutele din aceasta compozitie si dati-le prin faina.

Prepare the balls and "roll" them through the flour.

Prajiti-le bine incat sa capete o culoare aramie.

Fry them well enough to become ruddy.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

Supa de pui / Chicken soup

Supa de pui... indicata in curele de slabit deoarece nu contine mai mult de 100 de calorii pe portie dar si " ca medicament " in caz de raceala pentru ameliorarea simptomelor. Nu necesita foarte multe ingrediente, timp sau indemanare si nu este costisitoare!

The chicken soup indicated in diets because it contains less than 100 calories per serving as well as in  case of flu as a medicine in order to relieve the symptoms. The chicken soup does not require many ingredients, time or skill and it isn't expensive at all!

Avem nevoie de: carne de pui ( eu prefer aripioarele ) , cartofi, un dovlecel, doi - trei morcovi, verdeata, rosii sau sos de tomate , 4 cepe, un ardei rosu si unul galben.

We need: chicken meat (I prefer the wings), potatoes, a zucchini, two to three carrots, herbs, tomatoes or tomato sauce, four onions, a red pepper and a yellow one.

Spalati bine carnea de pui si puneti-o la fiert cu putina sare. Luati spuma din cand in cand.

Wash the chicken meat and boil it with a pinch of salt. Take the foam produced by the chicken meat occasionally.

Adaugati morcovii, ardeii, cartofii, ceapa si dovlecelul taiate cubulete.Wash chicken and put it to boil with a pinch of salt. Take the foam occasionally.

Add the chopped carrots, peppers, potatoes, onions and the zucchini. Boil them with the chicken meat.

Adaugati rosiile decojite si taiate cubulete sau sosul de tomate cand ingredientele sunt fierte si lasati-le sa fiarba 5 - 10 minute.

Add the peeled and chopped tomatoes or tomato sauce when all the ingredients are cooked and let them simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Adaugati si patrunjelul.

Add the parsley.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!