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Salata de vinete este foarte usor de preparat, o reteta foarte accesibila si delicioasa. Pentru salata de vinete avem nevoie de : vinete coapte, ceapa si ulei.
The eggplant salad is very easy to prepare, a very accessible and delicious recipe. For this recipe we need : eggplants, onions and oil.
Step 1: cook the eggplants on an iron plate on the stove or on the grill.
Pasul 2 : tocati vinetele astfel incat sa fie o compozitie uniforma. Tocati si ceapa marunt.
Step 2: mince the eggplants to result an uniform composition. Chop the onion.
Pasul 3: frecati vinetele cu ulei si amestecati compozitia cu ceapa tocata si sare.
Step 3: Mix up the eggplants with some oil, the chopped onions and salt.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!