Ingrediente: 3 oua, un praf de sare, cateva felii de paine, ulei si zahar.
Ingredients: 3 eggs, salt, a few slices of bread, oil and sugar.
Bateti ouale, amestecati-le cu un praf de sare si inmuiati painea in amestec.
Crack the eggs into a small ball and stir by hand with a whisk or fork. Dip the slices of bread in this mixture.
Prajiti painea inmuiata in ou intr-o tigaie cu putin ulei.
Cook the bread in a frying pan with oil.
Este o idee minunata pentru micul dejun. Presarati zahar pe deasupra si serviti cu lapte, cafea sau ceai.
This is an excellent idea for breakfast. Sprinkle some sugar on top and eat it with coffee, milk or tea.
Pofta Buna! Bon appetit!
All about cooking, lifestyle, gardening and other interesting subjects in images because a picture is worth a thousand words.
sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2011
vineri, 15 aprilie 2011
Rulouri de porc / Pork rolls
Ingrediente: carne de porc, doi cartofi, un morcov, usturoi, ceapa verde, branza, patrunjel, sare, piper, cimbru, sunculita afumata.
Ingredients: pork, two potatoes, a carrot, garlic, bunch onion, cheese, parsley, salt, pepper, thyme and baloney.
Radeti cartofii.
Grate the potatoes.
Radeti si morcovul.
Grate the carrot.
Taiati ceapa verde si usturoiul.
Chop the bunch onion and the garlic.
Taiati si sunculita afumata.
Chop the baloney as well.
Radeti branza.
Grate the cheese.
Amestecati toate inchedientele.
Mix all the ingredients.
Taiati carnea de porc in bucatele potrivite pentru a le putea rula.
Chop the pork so that you can roll it.
Puneti ingredietele pe carnea de porc.
Put the mix on the pork slice.
Si faceti un rulou potrivit, "prins" bine cu doua scobitori.
Make a roll and fix it well with tow picks.
Condimentati rulourile si puneti-le in cuptorul incins timp de o ora jumatate intr-o tava cu apa si ulei.
Spice the rolls and put them in a tray with water and oil in the oven for about an hour and a half.
Rulourile sunt ideale langa o garnitura de cartofi natur si mujdei de usturoi verde.
The rolls can be served with boiled potatoes and garlic sauce.
Pofta Buna! Bon appetit!!!
Mancarica de stevie
Avem nevoie de: stevie, sunculita afumata, ceapa verde, ceapa, usturoi, condimente, bulion.
We need: patience, baloney, bunch onion, onion, garlic, spice, tomato sauce.
Caliti ceapa, usturoiul si sunculita afumata.
Cook the onion, garlic and baloney.
Adaugati stevia care in prealabil a fost fiarta cateva minute si taiata, si putina apa.
Add water and the patience, which has been boiled and chopped.
Adaugati si condimentele si bulionul.
Add the spice and the tomato sauce.
Mancarica de stevie este foarte gustoasa cu garnitura de oua prajite.
This dish is very tasty, especially with fried eggs.
Pofta buna! Bon appetit!!!
We need: patience, baloney, bunch onion, onion, garlic, spice, tomato sauce.
Caliti ceapa, usturoiul si sunculita afumata.
Cook the onion, garlic and baloney.
Adaugati stevia care in prealabil a fost fiarta cateva minute si taiata, si putina apa.
Add water and the patience, which has been boiled and chopped.
Adaugati si condimentele si bulionul.
Add the spice and the tomato sauce.
Mancarica de stevie este foarte gustoasa cu garnitura de oua prajite.
This dish is very tasty, especially with fried eggs.
Pofta buna! Bon appetit!!!
Gradinita din apartament / My own little garden
Dill, Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary
Ardei Iuti
Hot peppers
Violeta de Parma / Parma Violet
Ciorba de stevie / Patiente soup
Pentru ciorba de stevie avem nevoie de: stevie, doi cartofi, trei cepe, cateva frunzulite de ceapa verde, fidea, bulion, bors si sare.
Ingredients: patience, two potatoes, three onions, bunch onion, noodles, tomato sauce, borch and salt.
Fierbeti stevia cateva minute, scurgeti-o si taiati-o.
Boil the patience and chop it.
Taiati ceapa si cartofii cubulete.
Chop the onions and potatoes.
Amestecati ingredientele si adaugati apa.
Mix the ingredients and add a sufficient amount of water.
Cand cartofii sunt aproape fierti adaugati bulionul...
When the potatoes are almost boiled add the tomato sauce...
The noodles...
Si borsul.
And the borch.
Pofta buna! Bon appetit!
Omleta simpla / Simple omlelet
Mic dejun american... omleta, paine prajita si varianta romaneasca.
There's nothing like an American omelet, some toast and coffee...the Romanian version.
Ingrediente: ceapa verde, usturoi, oua.
We need: bunch onion, garlic, eggs.
Taiati usturoiul si frunzulitele de ceapa verde. Bateti ouale.
Chop the garlic and bunch onion. Crack the eggs into a small ball and stir by hand with a whisk or fork.
Caliti ceapa si usturoiul.
Fry the onion and garlic.
Adaugati ouale batute.
Add the eggs.
Radeti putina branza sau cascaval pe deasupra.
Grate some cheese.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!!!
There's nothing like an American omelet, some toast and coffee...the Romanian version.
Ingrediente: ceapa verde, usturoi, oua.
We need: bunch onion, garlic, eggs.
Taiati usturoiul si frunzulitele de ceapa verde. Bateti ouale.
Chop the garlic and bunch onion. Crack the eggs into a small ball and stir by hand with a whisk or fork.
Caliti ceapa si usturoiul.
Fry the onion and garlic.
Adaugati ouale batute.
Add the eggs.
Radeti putina branza sau cascaval pe deasupra.
Grate some cheese.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!!!
Friptura / Steak
Avem nevoie de : carne de porc, cartofi, ceapa, ardei, ciuperci, condimente.
We need: pork, potatoes, onion, peppers, mushrooms, spices.
Taiati carnea de porc si condimentati-o cu sare, piper si cimbru.
Slice the pork and season it with salt, pepper and thyme.
Taiati cartofii cubulete, ardeii, si ceapa.
Slice the potatoes, peppers, and the onions.
Adaugati ingredientele intr-o tava cu putin ulei si apa si lasati-o la cuptor aproximativ o ora si jumatate.
Put all the ingredients in a tray with some oil and a sufficient amount of water and leave it in the oven for about an hour and a half.
Pofta buna! Bon appetit!!!
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