sâmbătă, 18 septembrie 2010

Salam de biscuiti / Biscuit salami

Salamul de biscuiti ... o reteta care intotdeauna ne va aduce aminte de copilarie. Foarte accesibila de altfel si cu un continut relativ scazut de calorii. Cu alte cuvinte un desert avantajos si delicios.

Biscuit salami...  a recipe that always reminds us of childhood. Also very accessible and with a relative low caloric content. In other words an advantageous and delicious dessert.

Pentru o cantitate semnificativa (petreceri..) avem nevoie de :

For a large quantity ( for parties for example) we need:

Biscuiti ( cam un kilogram ).

Biscuits ( about one kilo ).

Stafide ( cam 300 de grame ).

Raisins ( about 300 grams ).

Rahat ( tot cam un kilogram ).

Turkish delight ( approx. one kilo ).

Cacao ( o punga de 50 de grame ).

Cocoa ( 50 grams ).

Cateva linguri de zahar.


Esenta de rom ( o sticluta ).

A small bottle of rum.

Nuci sau alune prajite ( dupa gust ).

Roasted nuts or peanuts.

Un litru de lapte.

A liter of milk.

Intr-un vas mare, sfaramati biscuitii cu mana in bucatele mici.

In a large bowl, crush the crackers into small pieces by hand.

Intr-o tigaie de aluminiu, coaceti nucile (sau alunele) fara ulei si fara sare.

In an aluminum pan, bake the nuts (or hazelnuts) without adding oil or salt.

Incalziti laptele si amestecati-l cu rom, zahar, unt si cacao. Lasati-l la racit. Intre timp adaugati stafidele peste biscuiti.

Heat the milk and mix it with rum, sugar, butter and cocoa. Let it cool. Meanwhile, add the raisins over the biscuits.

Taiati rahatul si adaugati-l peste biscuiti si stafide.

Cut the turkish delight and add it in the large bowl with the biscuits and the raisins.

Apoi adaugati alunele , laptele cu cacao, unt si rom si amestecati bine.

Then add the nuts, the cocoa milk with butter and rum and mix them well.

Pe o folie de aluminiu sau celofan, adaugati o parte din compozitie si rasuciti in asa fel incat sa capete forma unui salam. Se serveste rece, dupa cateva ore bune de stat la frigider.

On an aluminum or cellophane foil , add a part of the composition and give it the shape of a salami. Serve it cold after putting it for several hours in the refrigerator.

Pofta buna !!!

Bon appetit!!!

Fasole cu carnati / White beans with pork sausages

Reteta de fasole scazuta cu carnati este relativ simpla dar necesita foarte mult timp de preparare pentru a evita problemele cu stomacul. Ideal este sa punem fasolea intr-un castron plin cu apa de seara pana dimineata. Astfel fasolea se umfla si va fi mai usor de fiert si de digerat. Tot pentru a evita problemele cu stomacul este indicat sa adaugam un cartof (taiat bucatele sau intreg daca nu doriti sa-l consumati).

The white beans with pork sausages recipe is a relative simple one but requires a lot of time in order to avoid those nasty stomach problems. The secret of this recipe is to put the beans in a bowl filled with water over the night. Thus the beans will distend and will be easier for us to cook and to digest them. Also, in order to avoid those nasty stomach problems I advise you to add a potato (chopped or just peeled if you don't want to eat it).

Ingrediente : 1 kilogram de fasole, 1 cartof, un dovleac, 2 morcovi, un ardei rosu si unul galben, 4 cepe, 2 rosii, leustean, cimbru, foi de dafin si carnati.

We need: 1 kilo of beans, 1 potato, one zucchini, 2 carrots, one red pepper and one yellow pepper, 4 onions, 2 tomatoes, lovage, thyme, bay leafs and pork sausages.

Mod de preparare: Fierbeti fasolea in 3 ape. Acest proces ajuta digestia si astfel veti evita durerile de stomac. Tocati cartoful, ardeii, morcovii, cepele, dovlecelul si verdeata. Dupa ce ati aruncat si ultima apa, puneti la prajit ceapa, ardeiul si morcovul in putin ulei in acelasi vas in care veti prepara fasolea. Adaugati si cartoful , dovlecelul si fasolea. Umpleti oala cu apa cat sa acopere ingredientele. Daca fasolea nu este fiarta si apa a scazut, adaugati cu incredere apa fiarta. Puneti si condimentele : sare, piper, cimbru si foi de dafin. Decojiti rosiile si taiati-le cubulete. Intre timp, prajiti (sau frigeti) carnatii. Cand fasolea este aproape gata, adaugati rosiile, verdeata si carnatii. Puteti folosi si sos de tomate.

Preparation: Boil the beans for 3 times in different water. This process will help the digestion and thus avoid stomach aches. Chop the potatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini and herbs. After throwing the last water, cook the onion, pepper and carrot in a small amount of oil in the same pot you'll cook the beans. Add the potato, the zucchini and the beans. Fill the pot with water, enough to cover all the ingredients. If the beans aren't cooked and there isn't sufficient water, boil some water and add it . Spice it with salt, pepper, thyme and bay leaves. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into cubes. Meanwhile, fry (or grill) the sausages. When the beans are almost done, add the tomatoes, herbs and the sausages. You can use tomato sauce.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!!

joi, 16 septembrie 2010

Friptura de iepure / Roast rabbit

Faceti cunostinta cu iepurila. Stiu ca foarte multa lume nu consuma carne de iepure tocmai din cauza sentimentului de mila pe care il provoaca aceste animalute dragalase dar va asigur ca gustul este deosebit.

Meet funny bunny. I know that people do not eat rabbit because of the feeling of compassion caused by these cute animals but I assure you the taste is exquisite.

Eu prepar carnea de iepure intr-un mod deosebit pentru fragezirea acesteia. Intai asezonez carnea cu sare, piper, cimbru si o impanez cu catei de usturoi. Ficatul in schimb nu il condimentez.

I cook the rabbit meat in a very special way to tenderize it. Firstly season the meat with salt, pepper, thyme and stuff it with garlic cloves. Do not spice the liver.

Apoi prajiti-o putin (cca. 10 minute) intr-un ceaun sau o oala mai mare in ulei. Dupa cele 10 minute adaugati vin alb dulce cat sa acoperiti carnea. Lasati-o la foc cca. o ora si jumatate - doua ore verificand-o constant.
Then fry it for approx. 10 minutes in a large pot or pan in oil. After 10 minutes add white wine enough to cover the meat. Leave it for about. an hour and a half - two hours checking it constantly.
Scoateti carnea de iepure fiarta in vin si fragezita si prajiti-o 5 minute intr-o tigaie, pe ambele parti, in ulei.
Pofta buna!!!
Take the tenderized rabbit meat cooked in wine from the pot and roast it for 5 minutes in a frying pan on both sides .
Bon appetit!