luni, 4 iulie 2011

Drob / Tripe

Avem nevoie de: frunze de ceapa si de usturoi verde, patrunjel.

We need: parsley and bunch onion and garlic leaves.
Le tocam.

Chop them.
Mai avem nevoie si de oua fierte.

We also need boiled eggs.
Si de inimioare si pipotele de pui fierte.

And boiled chicken hearts and gizzards.
Tocam maruntaiele.

Hash the meat.

Amestecam carnea tocata cu doua oua batute, verdeata si condimente (sare, piper, eventual cimbru si putina boia).

Mix the meat with two eggs, the chopped parsley and bunch onion and garlic and season it with spices (salt, pepper, maybe some thyme and paprika.

Asezam totul intr-o tava de chec sau de cozonac tapetata cu ulei si faina. Ouale fierte le taiem in jumatate si le punem la mijloc.

Put the ingredients in a cake pan and cut the boiled eggs in half and mix them in the middle of the ingredients.

Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!

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