The beetroot is indeed a medicine: it is recommended in combating liver diseases,it detoxifies the body and strengthens the immune system and mental balance. It is a wonderful vegetable because it retains all the vitamins and all its properties even after boiling.The beetroot salad is recommended in diets because it doesn't contain cholesterol and helps burning the undesirable fat. It is also effective in cases of colds and flu. A real medicine. And it tastes great!
Pentru salata de sfecla rosie avem nevoie doar de sfecla rosie, sare, ulei si otet. Atat de putine ingrediente pot face minuni! Intai spalati sfecla si fierbeti-o in coaja.
For the beetroot salad we only need beetroots, salt, oil and vinegar. So few ingredients can make wonders! First wash the beetroots and boil them without peeling them.
Apou curatati sfecla rosie fiarta de coaja. Radeti-o si amestecati-o cu putin ulei, sare si otet.
Then peel the beetroot. Grate it and add some oil, salt and vinegar.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
hreanului ii place grozav in combinatie cu sfecla
RăspundețiȘtergereexact la fel o fac si eu,arata excelent si e foarte buna