Avem nevoie de: faina, drojdie, zahar.
We need: flour, sediment, sugar.
Patru oua.
Four eggs.
Amestecam drojdia cu putin lapte caldut si zahar.
Mix the sediment with sugar and warm milk.
Amestecam faina cu unt, oua si drojdie.
Mix the flour with butter, eggs and sediment.
Adaugam si zaharul si o esenta de rom.
Add the sugar and the rum.
Amestecam bine pana obtinem un amestec omogen.
Mix it well until you obtain a smooth and buttery paste.
Ungeti o cratita cu ulei.
Grease a pan with oil.
Tapetati-o cu pesmet.
Add rusk on it.
Puneti compozitia in cratita.
Pour the buttery paste in the pan.
Si lasati-o la cuptor cam 25-30 de minute.
And leave it in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Taiati cu un pahar mijlocul aluatului.
Insert a glass in the middle of the cake.
Bateti frisca.
Make the whip cream.
Taiati aluatul in doua; insiropati-l; puneti la mijloc dulceata de visine si ornati totul cu frisca.
Cut the cake in half'; pour sirup (water, sugar, rum) on each half; in the middle of the cake put the sour cherry jam and decorate everything with whip cream.
Pofta buna!
Bon Appetit!
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