luni, 30 august 2010

Ciorba de burta / Tripe soup

Ciorba de burta este o mancare traditionala romaneasca. Este o reteta destul de grea ce necesita multe ingrediente, rabdare si multe etape dar rezultatul este satisfacator.

The tripe soup is a traditional Romanian recipe. It is considered to be a hard recipe because you need plenty ingredients, patience, but the result is satisfying.

Pentru ciorba de burta avem nevoie de : O burta de vita sau porc prefiarta, otet, smantana, usturoi, leustean, 3 cepe medii,3 morcovi, un ardei rosu si unul galben pentru culoare si 3 oua.

For the tripe soup we need: a beef or pork tripe, vinegar, cream, garlic, lovage, 3 onions, 3 carrots, a red pepper and a yellow pepper and 3 eggs.

Curatati burta, frecati-o cu otet, taiati-o fideluta, si fierbeti-o intr-o apa cu sare. Schimbati apa si adaugati ceapa, ardeiul si morcovul.

Clean the tripe, rub it with vinegar, slice it and boil it with salt. Change the water in whitch it boiled and add the onions, peppers and carrots.

Amestecati smantana cu cele 3 oua batute si adaugati-le treptat in ciorba. Adaugati si 4 linguri de otet (puteti adauga si in farfurie dupa gust), si usturoiul pisat. Dupa ce inchideti focul adaugati leusteanul.

Mix the cream with 3 eggs and add them in the soup. Add 4 spoons of vinegar (you can also add vinegar and cream afterward) , and the pestled garlic. At the end, add the lovage.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

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