miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010

Friptura de pui la punga / Roast chicken in a cellophane bag

Friptura de pui la punga este o reteta foarte simpla, oferita chiar de knorr [www.knorr.ro]. Carnea de pui poate fi inlocuita de carne de porc, curcan, iepure, in functie de preferinte.

The roast chicken in a cellophane bag is an easy recipe, created by Knorr [www.knorr.ro]. The chicken  meat however can be replaced by pork meat, turkey meat, rabbit meat, depending on your preferences.

Pentru aceasta reteta avem nevoie de : un kilogram de cartofi, 3 cepe, 2 ardei, o vanata, carne de pui, si o punga "magica" de la knorr, sau o punga de celofan si condimente. Gradul de dificultate este scazut, iar timpul necesar prepararii este de aproximativ o ora si 15 minute.

For this recipe we need: a kilo of potatoes, 3 onions, 2 peppers, an eggplant, chicken meat and Knorr's "magic" bag or a cellophane bag and spices. It isn't difficult to prepare and it will be ready in about one hour and 15 minutes.

Adaugam o parte din carne cruda in punga, impreuna cu un strat de condimente si amestecam bine, agitand punga. Punem apoi un strat de cartofi taiati cubulete, adaugam condimente si amestecam. Urmatoarele ingrediente sunt ardeiul si ceapa tocata si inca un strat de condimente. Vanata tocata cubulete se adauga si ea alaturi de un strat de condimente. La final, adaugati ultimul strat de carne si condimente, agitati bine punga si inchideti-o ermetic. Intepati punga cu un cutit in cateva locuri pentru fragezirea carnii.

Add a part of the chicken meat in the bag along with spices and mix them up. Add the chopped potatoes along with some spices and mix them up as well. The next ingredients to be added are the pepper and the sliced onion along with another "layer" of spices. Add the chopped eggplant and spice it. As a final step, add the remaining chicken meat, spices, mix all the ingredients by "shaking" the bag and close it tightly. Prick the bag with a knife several times i n order to tenderize the meat.

Asezati punga cu ingredientele intr-o tava si lasati-o la cuptor o ora. Scoateti punga si taiati-o cu grija intr-un recipient suficient de mare. Pofta buna!

Put the cellophane bag with all the ingredients in a tray and the tray into the oven for one hour. Cut the cellophane bag carefully in a suitable recipient . Bon appetit!

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