The recipe is simple, delicious and affordable and saves us from the extra calories contained by the meatballs.
Pentru compozitie avem nevoie de : doi dovlecei rasi, branza de vaca, doua oua si sare.
Amestecati bine ingredientele.
For the composition we need: two grated zucchinis, cottage cheese, two eggs and salt. Mix the ingredients.
Faceti chiftelutele din aceasta compozitie si dati-le prin faina.
Prepare the balls and "roll" them through the flour.
Prajiti-le bine incat sa capete o culoare aramie.
Fry them well enough to become ruddy.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
super reteta,i-mi plac foarte mult chiftelutele din dovlecei,le fac ori de cate ori am ocazia!complimente pentru blog arata foarte bine!pupici!