The chicken soup indicated in diets because it contains less than 100 calories per serving as well as in case of flu as a medicine in order to relieve the symptoms. The chicken soup does not require many ingredients, time or skill and it isn't expensive at all!
Avem nevoie de: carne de pui ( eu prefer aripioarele ) , cartofi, un dovlecel, doi - trei morcovi, verdeata, rosii sau sos de tomate , 4 cepe, un ardei rosu si unul galben.
We need: chicken meat (I prefer the wings), potatoes, a zucchini, two to three carrots, herbs, tomatoes or tomato sauce, four onions, a red pepper and a yellow one.
Spalati bine carnea de pui si puneti-o la fiert cu putina sare. Luati spuma din cand in cand.
Wash the chicken meat and boil it with a pinch of salt. Take the foam produced by the chicken meat occasionally.
Adaugati morcovii, ardeii, cartofii, ceapa si dovlecelul taiate cubulete.Wash chicken and put it to boil with a pinch of salt. Take the foam occasionally.
Add the chopped carrots, peppers, potatoes, onions and the zucchini. Boil them with the chicken meat.
Adaugati rosiile decojite si taiate cubulete sau sosul de tomate cand ingredientele sunt fierte si lasati-le sa fiarba 5 - 10 minute.
Add the peeled and chopped tomatoes or tomato sauce when all the ingredients are cooked and let them simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Adaugati si patrunjelul.
Add the parsley.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
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