The carrot salad is a great source of vitamins, tastes great and I highly recommend it to those persons who are on diet (but not only to them) due to its low caloric content.
Ingrediente : morcovi, ceapa, usturoi, sare, piper, ulei, otet, cimbru. In functie de preferintele dvs. puteti adauga si boabe de porumb fiert.
Ingredients: carrots, onion, garlic, salt, pepper,oil, vinegar, thyme. Depending on your preferences you can add boiled corn.
Mod de preparare : simplu :) . Curatati si radeti morcovii si ceapa, taiati marunt usturoiul, amestecati aceste ingrediente si adaugati dupa gust sare, piper, cimbru , ulei si otet.
Preparation: simple:) . Clean and grate the carrots and the onion, chop the garlic, mix these ingredients and add the salt, pepper, thyme, oil and vinegar.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
Crezi ca asa o sa ma convingi sa mananc morcov? No way:))