Tiramisu is a delicious cake, very sweet, accessible and perfect for every season. For this cake we need: 400 grams of crackers, 2 packs of dr. Oetker's Tiramisu cream (or we can make it after the original recipe), 400 ml of milk, 200 ml. of cream, rum, cocoa, 500 ml of coffee and a bag of instant coffee.
Crema se prepara in felul urmator: turnati 2 plicuri de praf pentru crema intr-un bol suficient de mare, impreuna cu 400 ml de lapte, rom, si 200 ml smantana si amestecati cu mixerul la viteza mare 3 minute dupa care lasati-o la rece o ora. Inmuiati piscoturile in cafea cu rom, unul cate unul, asezati-le unul langa altul fara spatii, apoi turnati o parte din crema peste acestea. Repetati operatiunea cu inca un rand de piscoturi si unul de crema. Presarati cacao si pliculetul de ness si lasati-o la rece o ora. Pofta buna!
Cream preparation: pour 2 envelopes of powdered cream in a large bowl together with 400 ml of milk, rum, and 200 ml of cream and mix them up with a mixer at high speed for 3 minutes then let it in the refrigerator for an hour. Soak the crackers in coffee with rum, one by one, place them next to each other without spaces, then pour some cream over them. Repeat this process with another row of crackers and cream. Sprinkle some cocoa and instant coffee and let it in the refrigerator for an hour.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
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